District Forms

Section 504 Procedural Manual Revised: Parents, please take note of certain revisions that have been made to the Administrative Guidelines portion of the CMSD Section 504 Procedural Manual appearing on the District’s website. These revisions provide clarification that, when evaluating a student under Section 504, the student’s Section 504 team is to consider all appropriate assessments and that Section 504 prohibits the District from categorically excluding any particular type of assessment from consideration.

Food Allergy Guidelines Posted: Parents are also asked to take note that the CMSD Food Allergy Guidelines have been posted on the District’s website.

Safety and Security

You are able to fill this PDFs out on the computer, then print , sign and return to the Safety and Security Office at the East Professional Center

(Formerly East High School/corner of 79th and Superior Ave) - 1349 East 79th Street Room 110 Cleveland, Ohio 44103 - telephone (216) 838-0420 .