Good faith clause samples

1) Intention. It is the intention of the Reinsurer and the Company that the customs and practices of the life insurance and reinsurance industry will be given full effect in the operation and interpretation of this Agreement. The parties agree to act in all matters with the highest good faith. However, if the Reinsurer and the Company cannot mutually resolve a dispute that arises out of or relates to this Agreement, the dispute will be decided through arbitration as a precedent to any right of action hereunder.

06/04/2019 (Vericity, Inc.)

3.5 Severability. If one or more provisions of this Agreement are held to be unenforceable under applicable law, the parties agree to renegotiate such provision in good faith. In the event that the parties cannot reach a mutually agreeable and enforceable replacement for such provision, then (a)such provision shall be excluded from this Agreement, (b)the balance of the Agreement shall be interpreted as if such provision were so excluded and (c)the balance of the Agreement shall be enforceable in accordance with its terms.

03/30/2018 (NLIGHT, INC.)

D. In the event that any charges are disputed, the Fund shall, on or before the Due Date, pay all undisputed amounts due hereunder and notify DST in writing of any disputed charges for billable expenses which it is disputing in good faith. Payment for such disputed charges shall be due on or before the close of the fifth (5th) business day after the day on which DST provides to the Fund documentation which an objective observer would agree reasonably supports the disputed charges (the “Revised Due Date”). Late charges shall not begin to accrue as to charges disputed, which may be reasonably determined by the Fund, in good faith until the fifth business day after the Revised Due Date. For the avoidance of doubt, the Revised Due Date shall not be before the thirty-fifth (35th) business day after receipt of the original statement by the Fund.

08/27/2020 (Blackstone Private Credit Fund)

We place a strong emphasis on our innovative approach and proprietary designs which bring intrinsic value and uniqueness to our product portfolio.As part of our business, we seek to protect the underlying intellectual property rights of these innovations and designs such as with respect to patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets and other measures, including through employee and third-party nondisclosure agreements and other contractual arrangements. For example, we place a high priority on obtaining patents to provide the broadest and strongest possible protection to enable our freedom to operate our innovations and designs within our products and technologies in the electric vehicle market as well as to protect and defend our product portfolio. We have also adopted a patent policy in which we irrevocably pledged that we will not initiate a lawsuit against any party for infringing our patents through activity relating to electric vehicles or related equipment for so long as such party is acting in good faith. We made this pledge in order to encourage the advancement of a common, rapidly-evolving platform for electric vehicles, thereby benefiting ourselves, other companies making electric vehicles and the world.

02/08/2021 (Tesla, Inc.)

(c) Except as may be provided in the “Plan of Distribution” section of the Prospectus, the Company will pay to the Managing Dealer an annual distribution and shareholder servicing fee in connection with sales of Class T Shares and Class D Shares in this Offering during the term of this Agreement, subject to the limitations set forth below. The annual distribution and shareholder servicing fee of 1.0% per annum and 0.50% per annum of the then-current Primary Offering price (or, once reported, the amount of the estimated net asset value per Share) per Class T Share and Class D Share, respectively, will accrue daily and be paid to the Managing Dealer monthly in arrears, as provided in the “Plan of Distribution” section of the Prospectus. For Class T Shares and Class D Shares, the Managing Dealer agrees to provide oversight services related to administration of the annual distribution and shareholder servicing fee, which may include oversight of the Company’s Transfer Agent, tracking underwriting compensation consistent with applicable regulatory limits, and assistance with shareholder share conversions. The Managing Dealer may reallow all or a portion of the distribution and shareholder servicing fee to one or more Distribution Participants or broker-dealers providing services with respect to the Class T Shares or Class D Shares, in its sole discretion, to the extent a Distribution Agreement or other Servicing Agreement with such Distribution Participant or servicing broker-dealer provides for such a reallowance. All determinations regarding reallowance of the annual distribution and shareholder servicing fee will be made in good faith. Additionally, for Class T Shares and Class D Shares, the Managing Dealer also agrees to use commercially reasonable efforts to cause a Participating Broker to make available on-going shareholder and account maintenance services with respect to the Company’s Shares.

02/12/2018 (CNL Strategic Capital, LLC)

On November 7, 2014, the National Credit Union Administration Board (“NCUA”), as an investor in 121 RMBS trusts, filed a complaint in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York against DBNTC as trustee of those trusts, alleging violations of the TIA and the New York Streit Act for DBNTC’s alleged failure to perform certain purported statutory and contractual duties. On March 5, 2015, NCUA amended its complaint to assert claims as an investor in 97 of the 121 RMBS trusts that were the subject of its first complaint. The amended complaint alleges violations of the TIA and Streit Act, as well as breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, negligence, gross negligence, negligent misrepresentation, and breach of the covenant of good faith. NCUA’s complaint alleges that the trusts at issue have suffered total realized collateral losses of U.S. $17.2 billion, but the complaint does not include a demand for money damages in a sum certain. On May 1, 2015, DBNTC filed a motion to dismiss the amended complaint. As of August 7, 2015, DBNTC’s motion to dismiss has been briefed and is awaiting decision by the court. Discovery is stayed.

02/27/2018 (GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2012-GCJ7)

On November 7, 2014, the National Credit Union Administration Board (“NCUA”), as an investor in 121 RMBS trusts, filed a complaint in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York against DBNTC as trustee of those trusts, alleging violations of the TIA and the New York Streit Act for DBNTC’s alleged failure to perform certain purported statutory and contractual duties. On March 5, 2015, NCUA amended its complaint to assert claims as an investor in 97 of the 121 RMBS trusts that were the subject of its first complaint. The amended complaint alleges violations of the TIA and Streit Act, as well as breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, negligence, gross negligence, negligent misrepresentation, and breach of the covenant of good faith. NCUA’s complaint alleges that the trusts at issue have suffered total realized collateral losses of U.S. $17.2 billion, but the complaint does not include a demand for money damages in a sum certain. On May 1, 2015, DBNTC filed a motion to dismiss the amended complaint. On July 31, 2018, the court issued an order that, among other things, denied DBNTC’s motion to dismiss without prejudice to its renewal. On August 31, 2018, NCUA filed a letter informing the court that it intends to: (i) drop all of its claims as to 60 of the 97 trusts at issue; (ii) drop its claims as to certain, but not all, certificates for 3 additional trusts; and (iii) move for leave to file an amended complaint bringing claims as to the remaining 37 trusts at issue. On October 5, 2018, NCUA filed a motion for leave to file a second amended complaint that asserts claims as to only 37 of the 97 trusts that were originally at issue, and adds new claims for a declaratory judgment and breach of contract arising out of the payment from trust funds of DBNTC’s legal fees and expenses in NCUA’s action and in other actions brought by investors against DBNTC for alleged breaches of its duties as an RMBS trustee. On November 5, 2018, DBNTC filed a motion to stay NCUA’s new claims relating to payment from trust funds of DBNTC’s legal fees and expenses and all related discovery. Discovery is stayed.

12/26/2018 (GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2012-GCJ7)

A. The Partnership may lend or contribute funds or other assets to its Subsidiaries and other Persons in which the Partnership has a direct or indirect equity investment, and such Persons may borrow funds from the Partnership; provided that, except in the case of direct or indirect wholly owned Subsidiaries of the Partnership, such contribution or lending shall be on terms and conditions no less favorable to the Partnership in the aggregate than would be available from an unrelated third party, as determined by the General Partner in good faith. The foregoing authority shall not create any right or benefit in favor of any Subsidiary or any other Person.


B. Subject to its obligations and duties as General Partner set forth in this Agreement and applicable law, the General Partner may exercise any of the powers granted to it by this Agreement and perform any of the duties imposed upon it hereunder either directly or by or through its employees or agents (subject to the supervision and control of the General Partner). The General Partner shall not be responsible to the Partnership or any Partner for any misconduct or negligence on the part of any such employee or agent appointed by it in good faith. The General Partner may consult with legal counsel, accountants, appraisers, management consultants, investment bankers and other consultants and advisers selected by it, and any act taken or omitted to be taken in reliance upon the opinion of such Persons as to matters that the General Partner believes to be within such Person’s professional or expert competence shall be conclusively presumed to have been taken or omitted to be taken in good faith and shall not constitute a breach of any duty (including any fiduciary duty) or obligation arising at law or in equity or under this Agreement.


Tesla will [***] notify Seller in writing of each Service Action and will use Commercially Reasonable Efforts to limit the number of Tesla Products without [***] of Cells.Tesla will also notify Seller of Losses for which Tesla seeks reimbursement and provide documentation regarding such Losses, and the Parties shall discuss such Losses in good faith. For the avoidance of doubt, Seller shall have the right to perform an investigation of the Cells involved and the Losses incurred in connection with the Service Action, and Seller will only be responsible for [***]. In no event will Seller be liable for [***].

07/28/2020 (Tesla, Inc.)

Covenant of Good Faith.Except where an obligation is specifically identified as being in a party’s sole discretion, each Party, in its respective dealings with the other Party under or in connection with this Amended GTC and each Contract, shall act in good faith and with fair dealing.

07/28/2020 (Tesla, Inc.)

Production Planning.The Parties will confirm the Production Plan as follows:during the Transition (defined below), at the beginning of each month; and thereafter, at the beginning of each calendar quarter.To that end, Tesla will provide [***], Seller will provide its [***], and the Parties will discuss in good faith.The Production Plan is intended to cover [***].This process enables the Parties to adjust volumes under the prior Production Plan and confirm the volumes for the subsequent period of [***].As noted above, the Volume Commitment will be the [***] the volumes [***] or the volumes described in Section 4.a above, subject to fluctuations within that timeframe as permitted by GTC section 1.5 or by PPA section 4.c.i.

07/28/2020 (Tesla, Inc.)

The issuing entity will cause the servicer to indemnify the indenture trustee and its respective officers, directors, employees and agents against any and all loss, liability or expense (including attorneys’ fees and expenses) incurred by each of them in connection with the acceptance or the administration of the issuing entity and the performance of its duties under the transaction documents. Neither the issuing entity nor the depositor will be required to indemnify against any loss, liability or expense incurred by the indenture trustee through the indenture trustee’s own willful misconduct, gross negligence or bad faith. The indenture trustee is obligated to perform only those duties that are specifically assigned to it in the indenture and the sale and servicing agreement. The indenture trustee may conclusively rely on certificates and opinions furnished to it in accordance with the indenture. [The indenture does not require the indenture trustee to expend or risk its own funds or otherwise incur financial liability if it has reasonable grounds to believe that repayment of such funds or adequate indemnity against such risk is not reasonably assured to it.] The indenture trustee is not liable for any error of judgment made by it in good faith. The indenture trustee will not be liable with respect to any action it takes or omits to take pursuant to directions from the noteholders in accordance with the indenture. See “Description of the Notes” for more information regarding the indenture trustee’s duties under the indenture.

08/30/2016 (EFCAR, LLC)