Print preview and printing is blank in Visio

In my business I have a user who uses Microsoft Visio.

When she chooses Print Preview she only gets a black page while in the main
window she has the drawing showing just fine.

Also when she prints the drawing from Visio she only gets a blank page.

Please advise on what to do.


I would like to add that I have tried resetting her userprofile and
reinstalling Visio.

David J Parker [MVP Visio]

Check that it is not a Trial version
or that all shapes are not on a layer that is set to non-Printable. This
can be checked by opening the Layer Properties dialog to see if the Print
column is ticked for all layers.
The location of the button to open the Layer Properties dialog depends on
the version of Visio.

Paul Herber

I would like to add that I have tried resetting her userprofile and
reinstalling Visio.

To add to David's response, in Visio create a new empty drawing, drop any old shape on the
drawing and see if that displays/prints correctly. If not then check that the viseo
drivers are up to date (a more complex operation, use a search engine to see how to do
that)., or if possible try a different printer, you may be able to borrow one for 1/2 an

James W.

This really sounds like a printer/driver issue. Visio’s print preview is
showing the actual output of the printer. Verify the printer model then see
if there is an updated driver based on the model of the printer and the
operating system. Try visiting the manufacture’s site and search for the most
recent drivers. You might also want to test with another Office application
to see if the issue is isolated to Visio.

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